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Statutory Information

Sewell Park Academy is part of Broad Horizons Education Trust

St Clements Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BX

Company number: 08282834 (registered in England and Wales)

Sewell Park Academy
Headteacher: Mr David Day
Chair of Governors: Mr Sam Webber
SENDCO: Mrs Amanda Barwick

School contact details

Broad Horizons Education Trust
C/O Sewell Park Academy
St Clements Hill
Tel: 01603 937303

Values and Ethos
Please read our Values and Ethos statement

Safeguarding and Child Protection
We are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all our students. Our safeguarding information, policies and procedures can be found on our Safeguarding page

Governors Information
Our governors information can be found on our Governance page

Admission Arrangements
All Broad Horizons Education Trust schools are part of the Norfolk County Council in-year coordination scheme. Further information can be found at 
Norfolk County Council school admission arrangements. To make an application for in-year transfer, please visit NCC admissions.

For an up to date copy of the admissions policy, including admission criteria and Published Admission Numbers, go to Norfolk Schoolfinder-Norfolk Schools

Our Academy admission procedure, including allocation of places, oversubscription and appeals, are detailed in our Admissions Procedure

Behaviour Policy and Exclusion Arrangements
Details of our behaviour policy and exclusion arrangements can be found in our Attitude to Achieve Procedure
and our strategies for bullying in our Anti-Bullying Procedure, which can be found on our policies and procedures page.

For full details of our Curriculum for KS3 and KS4, plus information on the options available at KS4, please visit our Curriculum page

Careers Programme Information
Please visit our Careers webpage for more details and to read our Careers Policy and Provider Access Procedure (Careers), which can be
found on our policies and procedures page.

Pupil Premium funding
To see how our Pupil Premium funding is utilised, please visit our Pupil Premium page.

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Information 
We aim to provide every child with a broad and balanced education, which includes the National Curriculum in line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and the Equality Act 2010. Our SEND information report can be found on our SEND page

Equality Objectives
We are an inclusive school promoting equality, tackling discrimination and valuing diversity. Our approach to equality can be found in our Equality Procedure and the Trust's Single Equality Policy, which can be found on our
policies and procedures page.

Complaints Procedure
In the event of needing to make a complaint, please read the Trust's Complaints Procedure

Charging and Remissions
Details of resource allocation and charges for school activities can be found in our Charging and Remissions Policy

Accounting and Financial Information
For accounting and financial information, please visit the Broad Horizons Education Trust website
Our latest Ofsted inspection report can be read by clicking the Ofsted logo
BHET logo.png
NOS - Certified Achool 2021-22 Logo.jpg

​If you require any information from this website in a different form or language please contact the Academy

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