Half term update - 24th May 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we approach the half term break we would like to commend our Year 11 students for their conduct during the past two weeks in their exams. The Class of 2024 have just a short time left at Sewell Park before Home Study begins after the Chemistry exam on 11th June. We would all like to express how proud we are of them and their continued efforts to be successful in the next chapter of their lives.
Looking ahead to the return after half term, we will once again be adapting our uniform policy to make students more comfortable as the temperature starts to rise. Blazers will no longer be compulsory and tailored black shorts will be allowed. Sportswear however, such as hoodies, tracksuit tops/bottoms and non-tailored shorts are not part of the school uniform and the A2A system will be implemented if they are worn on site. Please see the attached poster regarding the summer uniform policy along with a flyer from Stevensons detailing their summer opening hours.
With regards to the changes in cashless catering, a communication will follow from our IT department over the half term break, with further information once the new system is live. In the meantime, you can find a useful guide to payments on Arbor's parent help centre.
Please note - in order to use the new system you will need to have signed up for Arbor's parent portal. If you have not already signed up, we have re-sent you the link by email.
We look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday 3rd June.

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