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Half Term Update - 16/02/2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

As we reach the end of the first half of the Spring term and are moving into longer days and more sunlight, it seems a good time to reflect on some of the successes at Sewell Park Academy and what makes it such a special community. You may have seen an article in the Eastern Daily Press regarding secondary school places in Norfolk and, for the second year in a row, Sewell Park is one of the 18, out of 58, oversubscribed secondary schools in the county with first choice applications. This is testament to our students, staff, parents and the whole NR3 community!

Among many aspects, other notable events included:

  • Our Year 11 students have been completing their coursework and particularly demonstrating their skills with the Food practical exams taking place - staff were very grateful to be able to give feedback on the tasting!

  • Our non-uniform days at the end of the last term, ensured we collected a huge number of items for local foodbanks

  • Art trips to London & Liverpool and sharing the culture and experience for both KS3 and GCSE students

On our return from the February half term, our Year 9 students will transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 and begin their GCSE programmes. We look forward to welcoming them back to this focus on their futures. Some other key notes are:

Year 11 PPEs

On return, Year 11 students will be completing their second set of PPEs (Pre-public examinations). This will enable staff to assess the key areas for revision as they make the final push to the summer - thank you to all parents and carers for their support. As well as a huge well done to all of those students for their consistent efforts and application in their learning - their revision should continue in small “little & often” chunks to support the work in their Study+ sessions in school.

Lunch arrangements

Due to the increase in students at Sewell Park Academy, we have opted for a split lunch arrangement in order to ensure all students can be served food within the lunch period. As they are beginning Key Stage 4, Year 9 will therefore transition in their lunch time from being with Years 7 and 8 to joining Years 10 and 11. Following discussion and feedback from the student leadership team, we will also be extending the lunch times for each of the lunch periods on our return.

Arbor Parent App

In September, we moved Management Information Systems to one called Arbor. Shortly after half term, we will be sharing the Arbor Parent App with you all. This will allow you to view key information on attendance, rewards and behaviour in a live platform, as well the ability to provide us with updates on addresses, contact details and such like. We hope this will be a positive step forward in providing clarity and timely communication to you all. We look forward to providing you with the information shortly.

First day return arrangements

On our return to school, we will be returning on a Week B. We will also be re-introducing a short form time at the beginning of each day, during which students will be given notices and form tutors can check in with students before going to lessons. On the first Monday back, students will be given their new timetables during an extended form time - therefore they should line up in the outside area for their form tutors classroom, a list of which are attached. Staff will be on hand on Monday morning to assist students who are unsure where they need to go.

Thank you all for your continued support of our students and ethos of “Enriching minds, enabling success” at Sewell Park Academy. I hope you have a restful February half term, and we look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday 26th February.

Best wishes,

David Day


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