End of Spring 2 term update - 01/04/2022
Dear Parents, Carers and Students
We have now reached the end of the Spring term and it has been fantastic to see so many excellent efforts by students and staff, alongside those day-to-day activities in lessons. You are able to keep up to date by following us on social media or through our ‘Parklife’ blog on the website. Among other aspects taking place this term, we have:
seen over 15% of our Year 10 students braving the conditions for their Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Hike, with the assessment next term
had three students earn places on an Oxford University Programme to support access to higher education in the future
tasted absolutely stunning food from our Year 11 Food students over 4 days in their practical exams - which the staff fully enjoyed giving feedback on!
This half term has also seen the agreement of the merger of Boudica Schools Trust and the Yare Education Trust. This will positively allow us to continue our close working relationship with both Sprowston Community Academy and Thorpe St Andrew High School, while still maintaining the identity which makes Sewell Park Academy the community it is.
When we return, our Year 11 students, who have worked exceptionally this year, will have 17 school days until they start their public examinations. We know they will do fantastically well and will support them over this time and through the sessions for some within the Easter Holidays.
I would like to remind parents and students that we return on Thursday 21st April for the start of the Summer term, as the break ends with the additional day allocated for schools for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration bank holiday (which is within May half term).
Prior to our return, please can I encourage you to read the letter regarding our uniform expectations, particularly for the coming summer months. https://www.sewellparkacademy.co.uk/post/uniform-letter-01-04-2022
As part of the Government's plan for ‘Living with COVID-19’, the guidance for schools has been updated for our return in April. There is no longer a requirement for students to test for COVID-19, and must follow the guidance below:
“Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend”
“Adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be 3 days”
At Sewell Park this is the guidance that we will be following, and would ask that you continue to support us, as you have always done, to ensure that our community remains safe as we move forward.
It is with regret that the Norfolk County Council voucher scheme available to families of those students in receipt of Free School Meals has been halted, I know this has been a vital line of support for many during holiday periods. If any of our community are suffering from financial hardship through these times, Norfolk County Council have the Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) in place through the following link:
Finally, on return from the Easter break, we would like to welcome two new members of teaching staff to Sewell Park. Mr Coles and Miss Richardson will be joining us within our rapidly growing Geography department, and we look forward to you meeting them in due course. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff, who have managed superbly as always to deliver high quality education during periods of unavoidable absence with COVID still within the community.
From Sewell Park Academy, we wish all members of our community a safe and restful Easter break, and look forward to welcoming the students back for the summer term.
Best wishes
David Day
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