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Photography is not a stand alone subject at KS3 but within the Art curriculum there are elements of photography.



In line with the four GCSE objectives students will develop skills in a broad range of photographic and digital techniques. Students will independently look at artists, art movements and take cultural inspiration from a whole range of sources to inform their understanding of the creative world and inspire and enhance their own practice. Through trips, artist workshops, community connections and Big Ideas lessons students will increase their exposure to an exciting range of creative ideas and opportunities with a regular focus on relevant Future You's.



Future You – through regular visits from practising artists, links to local universities and colleges and trips to a range of destinations our students are continuously exposed to career opportunities in all aspects of photography. Students receive at least two creative career lessons per half-term with relevant and interesting connections to current scheme of learning.



Literacy is embedded in the photography curriculum ranging from subject specific language and terminology to critical analysis of historical art and in evaluation of their own work.



At KS4 students will be expected to continue with their ongoing coursework at home. This may be tasks based within their ongoing sketchbook work or artist research to prepare for future lessons.



Curriculum Snapshots

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