Design and Technology
Design and Technology
"The national curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all pupils:
• develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
• build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
• critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
• understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
D&T gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. We feel it is vital to nurture creativity and innovation through design, and by exploring the designed and made world in which we all live and work.' D&T Association
The above statement by the D&T association is fully endorsed by the Design Department at Sewell Park. We have developed projects that provide students with exciting hands-on experience of materials and tools whilst solving real life problems. We believe passionately that students should progress through the curriculum and leave our school with skills that will benefit their adult life.
KS3 D&T - Students work through a series of projects on a carousel system that introduces key aspects of each material area; material properties, shaping and forming, joining, decorating and embellishment and finishing. At every stage of the realisation of an outcome student are taught the 'design process'. This not only validates their work but enables them to develop subject specific literacy and an ability to communicate their intentions
KS3 Food - We believe strongly that developing culinary skill at an early age will benefit our students and their futures. In food, students develop an understanding of healthy eating and the issues and consequences of a poor diet. Students are taught a range of culinary skills and prepare a series of recipes from scratch. An understanding of food provenance and farming is explored which will provide the knowledge and understanding for our students to make informed decisions as they enter adulthood.
KS3 Textiles - Students work through projects on a carousel system that introduces key aspects of Textiles. Throughout year 7 & 8 students work on projects that explore issues such as sustainability and environmental impact of the fashion and textiles industry whilst introducing key skills and knowledge and fostering creativity. Using a variety of topical themes and exploring areas such as marine conservation students learn and practice basic skills to produce a product. As students progress through the course they start to look at textiles from an art point of view which then progresses to the Fashion and Textiles GCSE.
KS4 D&T - Develops and builds on the foundation knowledge of KS3. Designing is more ambitious and challenging and students are encouraged to exploit materials and processes. A combination of new technologies and traditional skills are used to enhance the function and aesthetics of the student’s outcomes. Students are encouraged to model and experiment and use their ability to evaluate and question to refine outcomes. Societal and environmental changes are taught alongside designing and making so as students have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the impact of producing products.
KS4 Food - Again, students build on prior knowledge with a greater emphasis on the key areas outlined in the specification.It is with enthusiasm and a belief that all that is outlined in the GCSE specification are vital factors for developing student’s ability to cook healthy nutritious food. A deeper understanding of the scientific changes that occur when combining and utilising a range of ingredients will improve the students' dishes and enable them to modify recipes and have the confidence to experiment. During practical lessons recipes are demonstrated and students are actively encouraged to taste dishes and discuss. Exposing students to a range of culinary experiences improves attitudes and will undoubtedly contribute to a far more positive relationship with food in adulthood.
KS4 Textiles - Develops and builds on the foundation knowledge of KS3 with further focused workshop activities and visiting artists to further develop skills and knowledge.. The development of students' sketchbooks and outcomes are much more refined. Designing is more ambitious and challenging. Students are encouraged to exploit materials and processes and evidence how a range of artists inspire ideas alongside the use of primary and secondary research. A combination of new technologies and traditional skills are used to enhance the function and aesthetics of the student’s outcomes whether they are functional or decorative. Societal and environmental changes are taught alongside designing and making so as students have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the impact of producing products.
Key ideas - Design and Food provide many exciting opportunities. We want students to think, ask questions, discuss and debate on everyday objects or highly sophisticated technological products that make use of new and emerging technologies. Through a range of projects, trips and visitors we provide breadth and exposure to different cultures and experiences our students may not gain outside of school. Food is a means of sharing, celebration, necessity and culture that is promoted positively at Sewell Park. Students have an opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities and events that encourage them to feel part of a community and a sense of pride in the school they attend. Key ideas and concepts are recorded on the curriculum maps and it is evident they are integral to everything we do in Design and Food.
Academic Literacy - is embedded in our curriculum ranging from subject specific language and terminology through to the ability to write and justify decision making and deepen subject understanding. The acquisition of subject specific language is embedded in teaching from Year 7.
Future You – through regular visits from subject experts, links to local universities and colleges and trips to a range of destinations our students are continuously exposed to career opportunities in all aspects of Design and Food. Specific career related lessons are taught within the curriculum and we encourage students to consider academic and vocational routes.