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Next Quiz & Chips - Summer 2025
Huge thanks to everyone that came and supported the November 2024 event - we raised £540!
​​​​PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. We are a registered charity, no 285219.
We are a small but merry band of volunteers. We represent a range of members of the local community who are passionate about doing their best to support the staff and students of Sewell Park.
Our main function is fundraising to provide 'extras', which we do in three main ways:
Termly raffles
Two Quiz & Chips evenings each year
You can read the Annual Chair and Treasurers report here
It's really quick and easy to support us via Easyfundraising, just sign up for a free account and switch on the donation reminder. Every time you visit one of the 6,000+ participating retailer websites you'll be told how much of a donation you can raise with your purchase! From fashion to take-aways, finance to travel. Why not check it out...
Quad Gardens and The Papillon Project
Our PTFA volunteers and students have been hard at work in the Sewell Park Quad gardens.
Supported by educational charity The Papillon Project, we have been busy sowing and
planting our new allotments with potatoes and beans! We welcome more student helpers,
Please let Miss Eyre know if you are interested! You can see the progress on our
social media's and find out more about The Papillon Project by visiting their website
Justgiving page and general donations
Too busy to give time to the PTFA but would like to help out? We understand that and have a Justgiving page where any donations, however small, are sincerely appreciated!
If you prefer to deal in cash, you can pop a donation marked PTFA into school reception ... or just wait for our next raffle and buy tickets then... that way, you could win a prize too - good luck!
If you are interested in joining the PTFA, please email or telephone the school office and leave a message and I will call you back.
Thank You
Shelagh Maple, Chair, Sewell Park PTFA
Charity no. 285219

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