Year 11 Parents Evening (face to face) 21/03/2023
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 11 students
Our next, and sadly last, parents evening for Year 11 students will be on Tuesday 21st March. This will be an in-person event to be held in the main hall from 3.45pm to 6.45pm.
Whilst there is no need for you to book in advance (you can just come along on the night) it will be helpful for us to get an idea of how many parents we can expect to see. Please can you give us an indication of whether you are likely to attend using this short questionnaire
In addition to teaching staff, other staff available to speak with on the night (if required) will be our Careers Advisor, SENDCO, Room 22 staff, Year 11 Leader, Senior Leadership Team and Mr Day.
You will be able to collect your child's latest report on the evening and have an opportunity to discuss their results and progress in advance of their final exams. Please find an information sheet attached, to help you understand the report and give you guidance on what kind of questions to ask the teachers.
This is a really important evening and we would ask that even if you are unable to attend that you please do encourage your Year 11 to come along on their own.
After the event we'd like to get your feedback and will send you a short questionnaire. This will also be another opportunity to raise any final questions and concerns.
We hope to see you then! Year 11 team
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