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Uniform letter - 15/12/2020

Dear parent/carer

As we come towards the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few points in regards to our uniform policy. The vast majority of pupils arrive in school every day in the correct uniform, which they wear with pride, so thank you for your continued support in helping us to uphold these high expectations and standards.

Uniform expectations during the winter months

In order to ensure there is enough ventilation in classrooms, it is necessary to keep windows and doors open whenever lessons are taking place. The cold weather we are currently experiencing, which will no doubt continue in the new year, does mean that despite the heating being on classrooms and other indoor areas are colder than usual. In response to this, if a member of staff judges a room to be cold they can permit pupils to wear their coats during the lesson, in addition to their blazers. It is also recommended that pupils wear a vest/t-shirt under their school shirt, along with a thick pair of socks. During the winter months, we will also allow black or brown winter boots to be worn instead of school shoes. Scarfs, hats and gloves can also be worn when outside but these must be removed when in lessons.

Our uniform requirements are clear and outlined in full on our website. When pupils arrive in incorrect uniform (for example in jeans, or in non-uniform skirts) we endeavour to lend them freshly laundered items from a small range that we keep in stock. If a pupil refuses to wear the uniform provided they will either have to return home to get changed or spend time in the inclusion room until a parent/carer brings the correct clothing into school.

An area that has arisen recently concerns the wearing of ‘hoodies’, which are not allowed. Pupils may only wear the official school jumper in school and hoodies, ‘sports tops’ and other similar items of clothing should not be worn and will be confiscated. In the event that this happens, a parent/carer must contact their child’s Head of Year to arrange a mutually convenient time to collect the item of clothing.

If you feel there may be financial difficulties in meeting our uniform requirements then please contact the school reception on 01603 411721 to discuss the matter in confidence.

Break and lunchtime arrangements

We have been very pleased with the positive way pupils have responded to the year group recreation zones that have been put in place since the start of the year. In order to ensure all pupils have sufficient opportunities during the day for fresh air, breaks and lunchtimes will mainly be spent in their respective outside areas. Only in the event of heavy rain or other extreme weather conditions will we open up inside areas for pupils to use. Many of these areas are teaching spaces so it is important that when they are used at break and lunchtime pupils ensure they are treated in a respectful manner and left clean.

We are in the process of accessing funding to put in place some permanent and semi-permanent coverings in a number of the year group recreation zones. This will allow the pupils to spend their social time outside with their friends which we appreciate is an important part of their school day and experience. It will also serve to reduce the amount of time they spend together inside the buildings, which is when the potential for the virus to spread is more likely.

This has been a challenging but hugely rewarding term and as a staff we have been very impressed by the way our pupils have adapted to all the new routines and changes we have had to put in place. Their attitude to learning has been exceptional and a high number have already received their bronze and silver stars badges, as well as Habitus certificates and badges for displaying consistent social behaviours such as respect, engagement, calmness and creativity.

We hope you have a relaxing and happy break and look forward to seeing all pupils back in school on Monday 4th January 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Gannon

Assistant Headteacher for behaviour

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