Return to Sewell Park Academy for Autumn term - 05/09/2022
Updated: Sep 8, 2022
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back to SPA for the new academic year.
Please find attached the statutory letters regarding Attendance, Punctuality & Legal Intervention.
The Uniform code can be found here. The expectation is that students return adhering fully to the uniform code including hair colour, false eyelashes and false nails etc.
Below is the information sent at the end of last term for students return:
Students returning to the school in September should enter through the designated gate for their year group on return (map attached). We will be operating a staggered start for year groups in September to return back into our routines and ensure Year 7 can settle in well. Therefore start dates are as follows:
Tuesday 6th September - Year 7, Year 8 & Year 11 - 8.40 am
Thursday 8th September - Year 9 & Year 10 - 8.40 am
Work for Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th for Years 9 and 10 will be uploaded on Google classroom. They will also catch up on the learning through the Period 6 sessions over the academic year. Period 6 Period 6 (3.05 to 4.05 pm on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) is a statutory part of the Sewell Park Academy day for Years 10 and 11 and has played a pivotal role in supporting our older students in their studies and examination outcomes. This has been agreed with the Department of Education, Governors and Trustees a number of years ago. These are not optional sessions and are a legal part of the students' attendance at SPA. Due to COVID, this was paused for two days a week for Year 10 students, however this will return from September 2022. Year 10 and 11 students will have Period 6 lessons (until 4.05 pm) on a Monday and Thursday, which will be a selection of curriculum timetable, ‘study’ sessions and intervention support. Wednesday will be designated as ‘home study’ and students will leave the site at 3.05 pm. However, for students where further support is identified, or where Revision and Review is not being completed, it may be compulsory that they remain in school. If this is required, parents and carers will be informed in advance. Many thanks, SPA
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