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Parklife - 18th March

Another busy couple of weeks with lots happening here at SPA!

Last week we were pleased to re-introduce our Primary X Country event and invite pupils from local feeder schools to come over and have some competitive fun, supported by our own students. It was a great afternoon and it's an event we've really missed, courtesy of Covid!

And can you believe it's been two years since we closed up the school for the first lockdown? Although it seems Covid isn't going away any time soon, we are glad to be back to normal for the most part. The re-introduction of clubs and enrichment activities is being really well received by students and we are delighted to see so many in attendance across the variety of clubs happening at lunchtimes and afterschool. Students should be well aware of the clubs on offer and you can check out our Clubs and Enrichment section on the parents page of our website.

There has been a brilliant response to the SMSC enrichment days and we are already counting down to the end of summer term when we get to experience these different opportunities together. Students have now been informed of their activity and they'll be getting together in their groups next week to find out more about their chosen activity. There are a number of students who haven't yet picked anything and they will be invited to a session next week to help them with their choices. In addition, an email has been sent to parents and carers this week with payment information for those activities where a fee is payable.

Other things we've been up to include: celebrating International Women's Day, welcoming Reflex Theatre Group back in with their 'No Big Deal' show, cool stuff for Science Week, championing our Young Carers on Young Carers Action Day and raising money for Comic Relief Red Nose Day with non-uniform today.

Coming up we've got Year 8 Parents Evening next Tuesday (22nd) followed by Year 7 Parents Evening the Tuesday after (29th). There are still spaces available so please book in!

Next week there'll be further opportunities to buy raffle tickets for the PTFA Easter draw. Tickets are 20p each and on sale to students and staff every lunchtime. We'd like to give a big SPA Thank You to Aldi Plumstead Road and Co-Op Chartwell Road for their kind donations!

There are other ways to help raise funds for the school and you can find out more about how to support us on the PTFA page of our website.

NEWSFLASH - Sewell Park is now on Instagram!

Parklike is just one of the ways we keep our SPA community up to date with the latest news and events and we've been using Facebook and Twitter for a while now too.

But by adding Instagram to our social's this week we hope to engage and connect with many more of our young people on an app more widely used by their generation. We'll be supporting wellbeing, signposting for post 16 choices, sharing the great work our students produce and celebrating their successes! Be sure to follow us -

If there's anything you'd like to hear more about please contact our Publicity Officer by email to

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