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Parklife - 12th January

Welcome to the Spring term and thank you to all our families for your continued support with on-site and at home Covid testing, in an ongoing bid to keep each other and our community safe from the ever changing virus!

Last night we hosted our first parents evening of the academic year, for Year 11's, using a new software package specifically designed for virtual use. We'd love to hear your feedback and will shortly be sending a request for this.

Future parents evenings are planned as follows and we'll share details and open for bookings a couple of weeks in advance of each date:

Year 10 - Tuesday 8th March

Year 8 with Options - Tuesday 22nd March

Year 7 - Tuesday 29th March

Year 11 - Tuesday 26th April

Year 9 - Tuesday 5th July

This week we'd like to highlight our Safeguarding Team and the amazing support they offer to our SPA community.

For those that may not already know, the SPA Safeguarding Team is made up of

Mr Moore - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mental Health Champion

Mr Tibble - Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer

Miss Eastick - Safeguarding Assistant and Domestic Abuse Champion

PC Proctor - Safer Schools Officer

The team are here to make sure our students are safe in education and to support them with their wellbeing, both in and out of school. We have a wide variety of resources available to our students and their families, including the assistance of outside agencies such as MAP. Working together in partnership we can help our students by providing a safe space to talk and the answers to the vast array of concerns and anxieties that they may be experiencing at this stage in their education and young adult lives.

There is a specific Safeguarding email inbox which students and parents/carers can email at any time with any concerns they wish to raise -

We also have a new twitter account! @Safeguarding which we regularly use to share information and helpline numbers. Plus there's the safeguarding page on our website too!

And check out this presentation for some very interesting facts about Attendance....

Please do feel free to get in touch at anytime if you have any student wellbeing concerns on questions. The team are here to help!

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