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Last day of term 18/12/20 - Christmas Jumper Day

Hello Parents and Carers

As the end of term approaches, we just wanted to let you know that Friday 18th December will be the final day of term. Please note on this day school will be finishing at approx. 2.15pm.

Sadly we will not be hosting our annual Christmas Concert but the students will be taking part in festive assemblies and activities throughout the final week.

Also on the last day of term we will be supporting Save the Children charity with our Annual Christmas Jumper Day. For a £1 donation, students are invited to come to school wearing their most festive attire to help raise funds. It isn't just limited to jumpers though so please don't worry if you don't have one! A Christmas hat, glasses, scarf, socks or even multiple items will be just as welcome. Prizes on offer so get creative!

On Thursday 17th a festive picnic lunch will be served from the canteen. This will be free for students entitled to free school meals. Any other students wishing to purchase a lunchbox for this date should place their order and payment of £2.30 with the canteen no later than Monday 14th.

Thank you

Miss Eyre

Publicity Officer

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