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End of Year Summary - 21/07/2023

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Today we finish the academic year, and there is so much for our students and community to be proud of at Sewell Park Academy.

The last few days of school have seen the students take part in a wide variety of activities through Sports Day, our ‘Summerfest’ end of year celebration and our SMSC enrichment days - with students taking part in a huge range of new opportunities, such as paddleboarding, go karting and trips to Duxford.

The end of the academic year means that we must say farewell and thank you to members of staff moving on to new opportunities. Leaving us this year are:

  • Ms Gynarmati-Nagy (Exams Officer) who is moving to a new role in another Norwich high school

  • Mrs Shamoon (Raising Achievement Assistant) who is retiring after supporting students in the school for nearly 20 years

  • Miss Bew (Second in charge of English), who is taking on a new role at another Norwich high school

  • Mr Horton (Head of Year 10 & Teacher of History) who is relocating away from Norfolk

  • Mr Woods (Assistant Headteacher) who is retiring after 25 years at Sewell Park - I know he has taught many of our community including many of you parents as well!

We wish these staff every success in the future and hope they stay in touch. In September, we will introduce you to all of our new staff, which is sizable in number, as we have our largest ever intake arriving in Year 7 meaning Sewell Park is now oversubscribed. This is testament to the hard work of everyone in our community over the last few years.

Activities over the Summer Holidays

There are lots of great activities taking place in Norwich and around Norfolk over the holidays. Lots of which are free of charge - these include the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme from July 24th to September 3rd and the Catton Grove Big Local where all activities are free of charge and open to children and families in the Catton Grove Big Local area. Please see the attached documents for more information - these also include a list of places where children can eat free (or for £1) during the 6 week holiday.

Return to school - September 2023

Students returning to school should enter through the Year 7 gate (St Clements Hill side, opposite Mill Croft), if they are in Year 7 only. All other year groups should enter through the main gates on either St Clements Hill or Constitution Hill. We will be operating a staggered start for year groups in September to return back into our routines and ensure Year 7 can settle in well. Therefore start dates are as follows:

  • Wednesday 6th September - Year 7 & Year 11 - 8.30 am

  • Thursday 7th September - Year 8, 9 & 10 - 8.30 am

New school day

As per the government guidelines, we have consulted this year on the length of the school day at Sewell Park. From September, the start time is 8.30 am and the day finishes at 3.40 pm (Monday & Tuesday) or 2.40 pm (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday). This is the same for all students in the school.


We are always impressed by the appearance of our students at Sewell Park - they are definitely some of the smartest students in Norwich! We would like to remind all parents and students of our expectations, which can be found here. As we return, the summer uniform rules will no longer apply and blazers will be required. We are conscious of the current cost of living issues in the country and would like to remind parents/carers that there is the option of buying a black blazer from local supermarkets and adding the iron-on patch which is available from Stevensons in Norwich and will be available from Reception in the Autumn. However, these blazers tend to sell out quickly - so we would recommend looking as soon as possible!

I hope that you and your families enjoy a safe and relaxing summer together. Our students have worked exceptionally hard this year and demonstrated the values we have at Sewell Park - calm, engaged, respectful & creative. We look forward to welcoming them back in September as we continue to grow as a community.

Best wishes,

David Day



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